Danelectro Cool Cat DC-1 Chorus Reviews 5

I listened to several chorus "boxes" with mixed results - none of them really standing out. This one, however, did. It was the most expensive of these types, at $99.00, but one listen and the others just wouldn't do.

The sound this thing puts out is very clean and airy. Really a pretty sounding chorus. The built-in chorus on my 450.00 Carvin acoustic amp doesn't sound this nice. It's very simplistic in its design and functionality, which compliments its crisp, clean sound. I like the look, though this is not all that important. One other thing though - this metal unit is built like a tank. You could literally run the Cool Cat over with a truck and it would still work.

One slight downside is the fact that the Cool Cat eats up batteries. Be sure you get the AC adaptor. The adaptor for mine was $15.00.

Like I said, you could drive nails with this thing. Its incredibly well built.

Obviously, you can find a better sounding chorus effect in an expensive rack-mount processor. But in the footswitch units, I don't think you can do better.

Matt rated this unit 5 on 2004-07-26.

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